Tree Top 100 Baby Names Tree Top 100 Baby Names

You'll find the top 100 baby names for 1976 below.

Top 100 Baby Names for 1976

Rank Male name Female name
1 Michael Jennifer
2 Jason Amy
3 Christopher Melissa
4 David Heather
5 James Angela
6 John Michelle
7 Robert Kimberly
8 Brian Jessica
9 Matthew Lisa
10 Daniel Amanda
11 William Stephanie
12 Joseph Rebecca
13 Eric Nicole
14 Jeremy Christina
15 Kevin Sarah
16 Ryan Elizabeth
17 Jeffrey Shannon
18 Joshua Jamie
19 Richard Kelly
20 Steven Laura
21 Timothy Julie
22 Anthony Mary
23 Thomas Rachel
24 Scott Erin
25 Mark Andrea
26 Charles Christine
27 Andrew Sara
28 Paul Carrie
29 Chad Jaime
30 Aaron April
31 Jonathan Karen
32 Benjamin Tiffany
33 Justin Danielle
34 Shawn Maria
35 Gregory Dawn
36 Adam Crystal
37 Stephen Tracy
38 Kenneth Stacy
39 Nathan Wendy
40 Brandon Susan
41 Patrick Tammy
42 Sean Tara
43 Bryan Patricia
44 Edward Cynthia
45 Jose Monica
46 Travis Misty
47 Donald Lori
48 Keith Tina
49 Ronald Amber
50 Todd Emily
51 Bradley Stacey
52 Gary Jill
53 George Melanie
54 Peter Erica
55 Jesse Brandy
56 Douglas Holly
57 Shane Katherine
58 Juan Tonya
59 Samuel Sandra
60 Larry Christy
61 Craig Tanya
62 Jamie Megan
63 Jacob Michele
64 Corey Dana
65 Raymond Leslie
66 Dennis Teresa
67 Jerry Allison
68 Frank Veronica
69 Phillip Denise
70 Carlos Heidi
71 Antonio Alicia
72 Joel Catherine
73 Troy Kristen
74 Marcus Kristin
75 Terry Robin
76 Jeffery Courtney
77 Nicholas Brenda
78 Brent Anna
79 Randy Brandi
80 Kyle Natalie
81 Gabriel Sharon
82 Dustin Kathleen
83 Cory Valerie
84 Derek Pamela
85 Billy Samantha
86 Tony Renee
87 Russell Nancy
88 Rodney Kathryn
89 Philip Theresa
90 Jared Linda
91 Derrick Tamara
92 Johnny Donna
93 Jeremiah Victoria
94 Erik Gina
95 Carl Deborah
96 Bobby Melinda
97 Zachary Barbara
98 Shannon Kristina
99 Marc Jacqueline
100 Victor Mandy
Note: Rank 1 is the most popular, rank 2 is the next most popular, and so forth.