Tree Top 100 Baby Names Tree Top 100 Baby Names

You'll find the top 100 baby names for 1998 below.

Top 100 Baby Names for 1998

Rank Male name Female name
1 Michael Emily
2 Jacob Hannah
3 Matthew Samantha
4 Joshua Ashley
5 Christopher Sarah
6 Nicholas Alexis
7 Brandon Taylor
8 Tyler Jessica
9 Andrew Madison
10 Austin Elizabeth
11 Joseph Alyssa
12 Daniel Kayla
13 David Megan
14 William Lauren
15 John Rachel
16 Zachary Victoria
17 Ryan Brianna
18 James Abigail
19 Anthony Amanda
20 Justin Jennifer
21 Jonathan Olivia
22 Alexander Emma
23 Robert Morgan
24 Kyle Nicole
25 Dylan Brittany
26 Christian Jasmine
27 Jordan Alexandra
28 Samuel Sydney
29 Noah Stephanie
30 Benjamin Rebecca
31 Thomas Anna
32 Kevin Julia
33 Jose Katherine
34 Nathan Destiny
35 Cameron Haley
36 Hunter Kaitlyn
37 Aaron Amber
38 Ethan Allison
39 Eric Courtney
40 Jason Natalie
41 Brian Danielle
42 Caleb Jordan
43 Cody Maria
44 Logan Savannah
45 Adam Mary
46 Steven Brooke
47 Connor Gabrielle
48 Charles Sara
49 Timothy Shelby
50 Sean Madeline
51 Jared Sierra
52 Juan Vanessa
53 Luis Grace
54 Gabriel Kimberly
55 Richard Michelle
56 Alex Kelsey
57 Patrick Erin
58 Trevor Katelyn
59 Isaiah Melissa
60 Nathaniel Bailey
61 Jack Andrea
62 Devin Mariah
63 Evan Paige
64 Mark Mackenzie
65 Isaac Jenna
66 Elijah Marissa
67 Chase Tiffany
68 Jeremy Sabrina
69 Carlos Christina
70 Adrian Hailey
71 Jesse Makayla
72 Dakota Cheyenne
73 Ian Sophia
74 Bryan Caroline
75 Luke Laura
76 Jesus Breanna
77 Cole Autumn
78 Stephen Caitlin
79 Antonio Briana
80 Garrett Miranda
81 Angel Alexandria
82 Tanner Mikayla
83 Mason Diana
84 Spencer Isabella
85 Blake Cassandra
86 Kenneth Kaylee
87 Seth Chloe
88 Dalton Katie
89 Paul Kelly
90 Miguel Kathryn
91 Jeffrey Claire
92 Tristan Alexa
93 Lucas Erica
94 Bryce Chelsea
95 Alejandro Jacqueline
96 Marcus Amy
97 Victor Lindsey
98 Travis Alicia
99 Brendan Heather
100 Jackson Angela
Note: Rank 1 is the most popular, rank 2 is the next most popular, and so forth.